Tomorrow is filled with mixed emotions for me - the birth of my beautiful little girl, Lola Jaklyn Rose, but it's also the day that I had worried about for weeks and my fears came true.
One year ago tomorrow, I almost died during surgery to have Lola. We'd had complications from the first start of her pregnancy, and was told there was a decent chance I'd have a hysterectomy during the operation. I was scared, yep. For sure! But 18 years earlier, on that day, my lovely grandpa had passed away so I knew he'd be looking out for me.
During my c-section, I lost ALOT of blood (4 litres to be exact) and survived only because of the wonderful people who donate blood! Without those wonderful people, I would not be here, alive today.
I wanted to find a way to thank each and every one of you who helped save my life (whether it was your blood or not that I recieved, the fact that you donated is AWESOME and something I'll never, ever forget!) but I don't know how. So I just wanted to write this to say a huge THANK YOU!!! One of you gorgeous people, reading this now, quite possibly could have saved my life. One of you kept me alive to watch my children grow, to cuddle them when they cry, to laugh when they laugh. You really have no idea how 15 minutes of your time, has changed my life. As i type this now, I'm crying. LOL I'm a bit of a sooky bum this year. It's a time of mixed emotions. I'm so thankful to be alive, to see my baby girl turn 1, but I'm also sad because I miss those few precious hours with her, the first cry, the first cuddle (I do not remember it!)
If you're reading this now, and you don't donate, or are wondering if you're eligible to donate, check this link out: I urge you to do the quiz, and if you're eligible to donate, please do so. You might not think you'll need it - heck I never thought I'd need it - but one day, you just might need this life saving service, and supplies are low. We need to build our blood banks up so that each and every one of us can use it, if we ever need it!
And if you're reading this now, and you do donate.....

<3 Bec
♥ to you Bec and a very Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Lola. Myself and my Miss who is about to turn 3 lost blood during a complicated C Section as well cause she was Breach and they didnt know and I had stage 4 Placenta Previa so totally know how you feel in a way. Totally with you on the Donate Blood my family has been donating for years when we can.
I have only donated blood once; the first time i did they caused me immense pain and i think they took too much so I haven't donated since.
When i was pregnant I needed a blood and an iron transfusion; not for the same reason that you did but because i was extremely anemic. They usually don't go to the extreme of donating blood but they did in my case as i was that ill. During the transfusion I told them why i hadn't donated blood since my first time. They told me it shouldn't have caused me pain etc and that something was done incorrectly. I swore after that that once i gor back on my feet health wise I would try to donate blood again to say thank you. Hopefully that time will be soon as bub is now 13 months old.
I am so glad that you are here today Rebecca.... blood donation is a wonderful thing. I wouldn't have you as a friend if it hadn't have been for those people that helped you. I hope you and Lola have a wonderful first birthday :)
all the best
Oh Bec... I have tears rolling down my cheeks. Thankyou for being such a gorgeous person in sharing this part of your life with us. Happy Birthday blessings to your Lola for tomorrow. Huge hugs for you.
Bec, this is something that's also close to my heart. I am so thankful for the donors who donated blood that my son received during heart surgery and especially one time after a surgical procedure for an IV line.
I'm very happy you and your darling Lola are doing so well, I hope she has a lovely birthday, and you have a great celebration.
Love, Carolyn
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